Tuesday, December 16, 2014


There's just no way to describe how amazed we are that our itsy-bitsy babies are a year old today! We are in full swing, too.  They've gone from immobile baby lumps to crawlers, standers, shufflers, climbers and currently they're on the brink of walking.  At any given moment I have to take a second glance to spot the baby because they go everywhere and get into everything.  The sounds they make are really interesting, too.  They are definitely getting the hang of babbling, saying da da, ma ma, ga, ga etc., but they also just holler out all sorts of sounds.  At times it honestly feels like I'm in an aviary filled with exotic birds.

They love and sometimes hate to play together.  They'll pile up and do things like push the baby gate over, take decal off Thomas the Train (and eat it), grab the diaper caddy-- this is a favorite and I no longer have a high enough place to put it out of their reach, and cruise up and down the hallway. Every now and then one poor soul will get caught underfoot as another one steps on him to get to higher ground.  This is when they don't like playing together.  One time I heard Gracie beller out displeasure and when I poked my head around the corner there was Thomas, standing on her back trying to climb onto the chair.  Around here plastic rings are prized possessions and they'll steal them from each other in a flash.  The other day Cienna noticed a sibling coming her way and in an instant she snatched her rings into a tight fist, pulled them close to her chest, and headed the other direction.

It is wonderfully crazy! Love to everyone this Christmas.  This time last year we were living off your prayers, love and support.  Not much has changed.  Thank you for every kindness.

Below are pictures taken over the last couple months of life here in Babyville.


  1. Such a miracle!!! They have grown so much and are incredibly healthy and happy!! Good work, mom and dad!!

  2. When you see the time lapse pics, you really have to believe in miracles. You are so blessed to have them happy and healthy, best wishes for Christmas and the the New Year.

  3. SO stinkin cute! Thanks for sharing :)

  4. Amazing. And they've changed so much! Is Gracie going to have a comparison picture put up too?

    1. Gracie's comparison picture is the one where she is in her stocking and then holding her stocking.
