Wednesday, September 17, 2014

9 Months and Busy Busy Busy

Two days ago marked 9 months (6 months adjusted) for Thomas, Cienna, William and Gracie. I'm tired and don't have much to say but don't want the moment to pass, so here are a few pictures and notes.  We're incredibly grateful they are even alive and can't believe how they have come from being born under 2lbs each to now...
Thomas 18.6 lbs (He gets to graduate to size 3 diapers!)
William 17.5 lbs
Gracie 16.6 lbs
Cieanna 13.6 lbs

I ran across this video of Thomas taking his binky while in the NICU, he was so itty bitty.  (Click here for the video). Click here for a video of Cienna "talking".  She seems to have a lot to say each day

A few notes on life:
*Still feeding 5 times a day, started them on applesauce and squash.  William goes crazy for food, he loves it!
*Thomas can push himself up into the sitting position and sits all day long shrieking at toys that are beyond his grasp. Cienna and Gracie will both sit by themselves if put in that position.
*William can maneuver his bottle into his mouth on his own
*Ben takes them all for a walk, one in a backpack, one in a front pack, and the other two in the stroller. I enjoy the silence at home.
*Friends and family continue to make a world of difference in each of our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there busy lady, we need a holiday update :)
