Monday, November 11, 2013

It's a boy! It's a girl! It's another boy! It's another girl!

Needless to say, when Ben and I realized the doctor found not one, two, or three heartbeats but four, we were shocked. It was the most terribly wonderful news of our marriage. We had been trying for as many years as we had heartbeats but had miscarried right about the time cardiac activity should have been developing. But there they were, four little blinkers flashing on the ultrasound screen. We got four when one of the implanted embryos decided to split, making identical twin girls. The other two heartbeats became our two boys.


  1. Thanks to Beth for any nice picture you find on here!

  2. Beth did a Beautiful job! We are all praying for you!!!!!
    Ray and Laurie

  3. Love the picture, love the belly, love YOU!

  4. Just letting you know I am following your blog. Was praying for you already~Beth is on a same fb group i am in, and she shared the prayer request for you.

  5. Congrats Cuz! Wow! Our little guy is going on 6 months - can't imagine 4 at once!

  6. Marcia! I can't believe you're going on 6 mo already with your sweet boy! I guess the only thing we have going for us is that we won't know any different.
