Friday, February 14, 2014

Feed & Grow

Happy Valentines!!!

The babies are quickly approaching 36 weeks gestational age this Tuesday, 2/18/14.  It is hard to believe that by then they will have been earthside for two months!

This was a big week for William.  Two days ago he made the big move over to the Continuing Care Nursery (CCN), took a bottle and breastfed, all for the first time (click here to see William on the bottle for the first time).  He is now in the same area as Gracie and Thomas.

CCN is the where the babies are described as being on the "feed and grow program," and that's exactly what they do: eat eat eat and grow grow grow. William and Gracie just hit 5 pounds and Thomas is moments away from 6.  I think the boys are seeing who can grow a triple chin first.  Since they are better breathers now they are able to take the bottle and/or breast feed.  Every 3 hours they are assessed to see if they are able to do this, if not their food is given via NG tube. When they are able to take all of their feedings without the use of the NG tube and have no major oxygen needs, they will be ready for discharge from the hospital. Right now the boys are both still on oxygen and each day we try to wean them off of it. Gracie has been off oxygen for over a week and we no longer monitor her oxygen levels.  The main task she needs to accomplish before discharge is to nipple all her feedings and no longer need the NG tube. 

My role in the feed and grow program is to come up with the milk. I currently get about 30 ounces of breastmilk a day from pumping and I have been freezing this milk ever since the babies were born. As of two days ago their food needs have surpassed what I am able to produce by 10 ounces a day and it is showing as the babies are getting chunky.

Thomas is 5 lb 13.5 oz
William is 5 lb
Gracie is 5 lb 2 oz
Cienna is 3 lb 5 oz

Cienna is coming along at her own tiny pace.  She is small and so delicate but bright, alert and one active little girl.  One day respiratory therapy came to check on her and she had managed to pull herself out of her nest and roll over to the isolette window and was looking out at all the activity in the room. (Click here to see a short video of her from today.) She and William had their eye exams yesterday to check for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).  Along with Gracie and Thomas, she is in the clear!  William has early ROP but at his age it will probably resolve on its own. We will continue to monitor him.

A huge THANK YOU to each of you for your love and support that is given in so many ways!  From watching the dog when Ben is out of town to sending a positive thought or prayer our way, your involvement has meant the world to us and eased the challenges of day to day NICU life.


  1. Getting this update was our best Valentine! We get so excited when we see a new post and are so delighted with the progress that's being made. Love seeing those little round bellies!

  2. So happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you!

  3. Really neat, Sal and Ben! Love the videos! You can sure see their little personalities! Continued blessings! :-)

  4. Praise the Lord -- they are all growing!! So happy to hear the progress!! Come home soon little Dawsonites!

  5. Every time I read your posts, I tear up. I am so overcome with gratitude and joy that they're all growing and more and more in the clear every day. How positively wonderful!
